Instant access to all the reports you need

ESG and financial reporting for all your stakeholders

Asset managers, ESG managers and project managers from leading companies use Alasco

Financial Reports made easy

Generate reports with the click of a button and share them with all your stakeholders. Ensure 100% accuracy in your reports, as the budget, order and change history, along with all data and documents, are accessible at any moment.

  • Intuitive dashboards and customisable control tables provide clarity.
  • Experience projects in real-time with multi-controlling, offering a comprehensive 360-degree overview.
  • Save, share, and effortlessly reuse the right reports with guaranteed precision.

Turn ESG-data fast and easy into ESG-Reports and Scorings

Capture individual reporting criteria for decision-makers, investors, or other stakeholders. Evaluate your properties within minutes for EU Taxonomy compliance, create scoring systems, and generate both customised and standardised reports.

  • Evaluation of Properties According to EU Taxonomy in minutes.
  • Generate customised and standardised Reports, in accordance with SFDR guidelines.
  • Seamless integration with GRESB Scoring with automated data synch.

Big numbers prove it


faster reporting


of our customers see their finances in real time


of time saved in project controlling per employee per week


Hear it from our customers

Take a peek at what leading real estate companies value about Alasco

"In each subproject within the project, there are varying requirements from individual financiers. In the end, I particularly value the cost overview, especially in cost tracking, and the fund outflow planning."

Alin Fehrmann / Head of Controlling at Taurecon

"We now have a standardised structure for visualisation and reporting. This has finally created transparency."

Matthias Meuser / Head of Projects & Development at NORSK Deutschland AG

"Alasco combines my accounting workflow with cost controlling, which is an invaluable advantage."

Andreas Weiß / Head of Finance & Controlling at Rosa-Alscher Group


Sustainable insights across your assets

Financial reports for every occasion

Individual reports for different stakeholders.

Financial dashboards and exports

Customizable dashboards with views to share.

ESG scorings according to GRESB

Seamless data transfer to GRESB.

EU taxonomy check

Check real estate for EU taxonomy compliance.


We’ve put together some commonly asked questions

Which reports can be created in Alasco?

With Alasco, you can store standard reports (EU-taxonomy conformity and GRESB asset reporting) or individualised reports. We offer the opportunity to customise your reports so that you meet all the requirements of obligations in place.

What ESG reportings are mandatory?

Within Europe there are several obligations such as Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and EU-Taxonomy for sustainable activities. Your requirements to follow these obligations depends on the products you offer and your company structure.

When am I subject to the reporting obligation?

Your requirements to follow the current obligations depend on the products you offer and your company structure. It is crucial to analyse your business and ESG strategy in order to evaluate your needs to reporting.