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CapEx Management: A Key to Net-Zero in Real Estate

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Real estate investment decisions today must balance sustainability with profitability, and CapEx management plays a vital role in achieving this balance. Alasco's bespoke CapEx solution addresses this need by integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors with financial control, offering a crucial tool on the path to Net-Zero.

A Unified Platform for ESG and Financial Management

ESG and financial performance are deeply intertwined in asset and portfolio management. For sustainable real estate, both must be analysed and managed together. Alasco’s CapEx solution ensures that ESG data and investment decisions are integrated, offering a comprehensive management platform. This innovation allows asset managers to track sustainability initiatives, measure their financial impact, and optimise performance, all in real time.

The newly launched CapEx solution by Alasco was recently introduced by its Co-Founder and CEO, Benjamin Günther, and VP of Product, Benedict Marzahn, in a BUILTWORLD webinar. They discussed the current challenges of ESG management and the future of sustainable investments.

“If we succeed in linking ESG with financial strategy, we can redirect billions of market investments towards more sustainable ventures.” - Benjamin Günther, Co-Founder & CEO

From Climate Risk to Net-Zero: Simplified Investment Decisions

Alasco empowers asset managers to make data-driven decisions that maximise returns while progressing toward Net-Zero targets. Its CapEx solution delivers full transparency throughout the property lifecycle, covering everything from data collection and budgeting to the implementation and reporting of ESG measures. This integration of financial and ESG data allows managers to monitor the direct impact of capital expenditure on sustainability performance.

A One-Stop Solution for Climate Targets and Business Planning

Sustainable real estate investments require more than isolated environmental efforts. Successful ESG management involves continuous evaluation of the financial implications of these investments across the asset lifecycle. Properties that fail to prioritise ESG considerations risk losing value, especially with the increasing regulatory pressure from frameworks like the EU Taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Alasco’s platform connects CapEx and ESG management, making it possible for asset managers to avoid guesswork. It enables detailed analysis and informed investment planning, turning sustainability into a measurable, actionable strategy. As a result, real estate investments become both sustainable and financially sound.

Key Features of Alasco’s CapEx Management

  • Centralised Budgeting and Planning: Manage all CapEx initiatives on a single platform, making collaboration with property managers seamless.
  • Automated Workflows: Streamline and automate approval processes to speed up invoice approvals and improve communication with stakeholders.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor progress and expenditures in real time, providing the transparency needed for quick and informed decisions.
  • CapEx management is crucial for sustaining the value of real estate investments while meeting ESG goals. Alasco’s solution simplifies this process, ensuring that investment planning, monitoring, and reporting are handled efficiently.

    Explore Alasco’s CapEx Solution

    To learn more, you can watch the full webinar where Benjamin Günther and Benedict Marzahn present this transformative tool, or explore Alasco’s platform directly.

    By combining financial oversight with ESG priorities, Alasco is helping asset managers make investment decisions that are not only profitable but also aligned with the pressing demand for sustainability in real estate.