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Safer in the Cloud? SaaS Solutions for Real Estate Companies

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A Real Threat: Protecting Confidential Data from Misuse

The daily operations of real estate companies involve handling numerous sensitive pieces of information and financial transactions. Especially in project control, nearly every task requires interaction with confidential information such as personal customer data, contracts, rent payments, or financial details. The loss or misuse of this data can significantly impact the company and its clients. In an increasingly digitalised world, the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access to real estate information is very real. Large-scale hacker attacks and data leaks frequently make headlines. If cybercriminals gain access to sensitive data through phishing attacks, malware, or other sophisticated methods, the affected company faces financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences.

Therefore, implementing robust measures to protect data is essential. This includes securing IT infrastructure (e.g., firewalls, antivirus software, backup servers), providing regular employee training, and carefully selecting the software used.

Safer in the Cloud?

Is cloud software more secure than a locally installed solution? Opinions vary, as data leaves the company’s premises and is stored on external servers. Nevertheless, there are two main arguments for the security of cloud solutions:

  • Professional Hosting: Cloud software is hosted by experienced SaaS providers in highly secure data centres on professional hardware that meets the highest security standards.
  • Expert Management: The infrastructure is managed by specialised personnel who handle regular updates, backups, and attack prevention.

On-premises software typically requires local installation and maintenance by the company itself, which can pose security risks. Given the ever-present threat of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks and rising security standards, small and medium-sized enterprises find it especially challenging to provide the necessary personnel and technical resources. In-house software operation requires not only expertise but also expensive hardware. However, with a well-established internal or external IT department, secure operation of business software is entirely feasible.

These factors underscore the growing popularity of cloud software, which offers not only high availability and scalability but also ease of use. The provider ensures secure provision in the cloud, and users simply access the application via the internet. However, there are specific security criteria that companies should consider when selecting a cloud solution.

Criteria for Choosing Cloud Software

A professional SaaS solution should encompass various security aspects to ensure the protection of sensitive data. These include:

  1. Encryption: A secure SaaS solution should implement strong data encryption to ensure all transmitted and stored data is protected from unauthorised access.
  2. Authentication: A robust authentication system is essential to ensure only authorised users can access the software and the data it contains. The use of strong passwords and multi-factor authentication are proven methods to protect access to sensitive information.
  3. Hosting in Europe: To comply with GDPR, it must be clear where the data is processed and stored. Therefore, the provider’s servers should be located in Europe, preferably in Germany.
  4. Access Control: Effective access control allows real estate companies to manage the permissions and access rights of their employees. This ensures only authorised individuals can access certain data or functions, minimising the risk of unauthorised access.
  5. Regular Security Audits: A reputable SaaS provider conducts regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the software. This ensures the SaaS solution is always up-to-date with the latest security technology and can withstand current threats.
  6. Transparency: Transparent disclosure of data protection measures is an important quality criterion. Information about server locations, server structure, audits, encryption methodologies, and certifications builds trust.

Real estate companies should ensure their chosen SaaS solution meets the necessary security standards to protect their sensitive data and transactions effectively. By selecting a secure SaaS solution, real estate companies can work efficiently and flexibly while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their business processes.

Your Benefits at a Glance

  • Enhanced data security and protection
  • Reduced IT infrastructure costs and maintenance efforts
  • Scalability and flexibility of cloud software
  • Easy collaboration and communication among various stakeholders in the real estate industry