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CapEx Management - The Missing Piece To Help You Build, Track and Report On Your Capital Investments.

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Say “Goodbye” To The Excel Overflow and “Hello” to Peace of Mind.

It’s the final quarter of the year again and business planning season is in full swing. Optimisation measures need to be planned, budgets to be carved out, alignment meetings happen 24/7. It’s time for something different this year.

CapEx Management - The Missing Piece To Help You Build, Track and Report On Your Capital Investments. 

It’s no secret that the real estate industry has undergone significant changes in recent years. One key difference: the focus on existing buildings. According to the study "Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe" from PwC, 62% agree that retrofitting or repurposing is the best option to acquire prime product. What matters now is not only whether investments are directed toward the right projects but also whether these initiatives are successfully implemented. As a result, CapEx management is becoming the key discipline in asset management. Above all the ROI of CapEx measures will be the lever for long-term success.

However, many Asset Managers face more and more challenges with CapEx management. Traditional approaches are often marked by fragmented data, manual processes, and inefficient workflows. Too many project stakeholders and too many Excel spreadsheets make collaboration difficult. This leads to error-prone processes, a lack of transparency, and delayed decision-making. In addition ESG measures add complexity to CapEx management. The increasing pressure to justify Green Investments makes it all the more necessary to always have real-time data. At the same time, management becomes more complex as multiple CapEx projects with rising costs must be handled. The result: expensive budget deviations that reduce the planned ROI of the asset.

Typical Challenges in CapEx Management:

  • Missing data: Information is managed across various systems—from Excel to ERP systems to property management software. These data silos prevent efficient and accurate planning.
  • Time-Consuming Manual Processes: Without a unified platform, budgets and measures are often created and consolidated manually, which is both time-consuming and error-prone.
  • Lack of Transparency: Collaboration between Asset Managers, Facility and Property Managers, and other stakeholders suffers from a lack of transparency, making it difficult to align on current project status and costs. 
  • Delayed Decisions: Inefficient workflows and the lack of real-time data prevent proactive financial decisions, reducing ROI.

The Solution: Purpose-Built CapEx Management for Asset and Portfolio Manager

Finally, the wait for the missing solution is over. Alasco has developed a central, digital platform specifically for the real estate industry that covers the entire CapEx process—from planning to execution to reporting. Instead of working with isolated systems, Alasco brings all relevant stakeholders together, creating transparency and efficiency.

What You Can Do with Alasco’s CapEx Management Solution

  • Centralised Planning & Budgeting: Alasco enables Asset Managers, in collaboration with Property and Facility Manager, to plan all CapEx measures on a central platform and create budgets. This makes planning and budgeting CapEx measures more efficient.
  • Implement Measures & Manage Costs: All measures can be centrally managed, ensuring the progress of each project is always visible. In addition the platform allows for centralised cost management, where budgets, expenses, and cost estimates are transparently and clearly presented.
  • Real-Time Tracking and Reporting: Alasco provides transparent real-time tracking of all CapEx measures. Progress and expenses can be monitored and controlled at any time, allowing for quick and informed decisions. With the portfolio dashboard, you can also capture the impact of modeled CapEx planning in the business plan.

Alasco focused on providing users with a simple and efficient experience by integrating numerous features that simplify daily work and replace tedious manual processes, ensuring successful and seamless usage.

  • Automated Workflows: Alasco standardises and automates approval processes. Invoices are processed digitally and centrally, so any changes in cost monitoring are reflected in real-time. This not only speeds up invoice and contract approvals but ensures that all relevant stakeholders are always informed.
  • Seamless Integration: Existing systems can be easily integrated into Alasco, ensuring smooth collaboration and full control over budgets, costs, and contracts.
  • Custom Reports: Cost monitoring can be tailored and filtered as needed for your reporting to the management team or investors . Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports can be generated with just one click. The lengthy, manual creation of Excel sheets is a thing of the past.
  • Ease of Use: Every user can get started with Alasco immediately. The simple navigation and clear design ensure that all participants can use the solution securely and efficiently.

These features make Alasco an indispensable tool for modern, efficient, and transparent CapEx management.

What Our Users Achieve:

  • Better Collaboration: A central platform for all stakeholders—Alasco brings together all data and documents in one place and makes them available in real-time. Finally, data that everyone can trust.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Alasco enables seamless tracking of all CapEx measures, so decisions can be made quickly and based on real-time data.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated and standardised workflows ensure that processes are handled quickly and error-free. Processing times are drastically reduced.
  • Optimised ROI: By automating and monitoring all processes in real-time, Asset Manager maximise the ROI of their initiatives and can act proactively.

Data You Can Trust

We offer a digital platform that enhances transparency, efficiency, and collaboration in real-time. Asset Managers can plan and execute their initiatives easily and make informed decisions that secure the long-term success of their properties. Would you like a personalised demo?

Sources: PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2024