Alasco receives GoBD certification

Alasco fulfils all the requirements for GoBD-compliant software. As a pre-system for accounting, Alasco provides demonstrable support to companies using the software in the correct and complete realisation of their accounting.
GoBD stands for "Grundsätze zur ordnungsgemäßen Führung und Aufbewahrung von Büchern, Aufzeichnungen und Unterlagen in elektronischer Form sowie zum Datenzugriff” (“Principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access"). These include guidelines that companies of all sizes must fulfil when using digital accounting. By complying with the principles, companies ensure, among other things, proper accounting as well as the storage and documentation of data. Alasco fulfils these applicable requirements of the Federal Ministry of Finance.
Companies that use GoBD-certified software in their business processes are therefore following the principles:

Non-compliance with the GoBD often results in the estimation of revenue during a tax audit, which can be disadvantageous for the company, for example in the form of a massive reduction in profits.

„With this certification, we offer our customers the security of knowing that they can integrate their digital invoicing process into their existing accounting processes even more easily and comprehensibly with Alasco. All tasks performed in Alasco therefore automatically fulfil the principles of the GoBD. Our users benefit from this in future tax audits, as they can prove the conformity of their processes with little effort.” Sebastian Schuon, Co-Founder of Alasco
To prove its conformity, Alasco underwent an intensive audit process in accordance with the standards of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW), which was concluded with the award of the certificate.